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The vebe test is a variation of the simple slump test where the concrete is subject to vibration after removal from the slump cone to determine the workability of fresh concrete.
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Laboratory Testing -
<p>The Vicant Apparatus is used for determining setting time and consistency of cement by Vicat Method.</p>
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Laboratory Testing -
The 500kN Virtual Infinite Stiffness loading system (GDSVIS) is the premier load frame in the GDS VIS range. VIS stands for virtual infinite stiffness, it allows the axial loading system to operate as though it has infinite stiffness (zero system compliance). ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Rock Testing
The test provides a measure of the resistance of aggregate to surface wear by abrasion. The machine, formerly named “Dorry abrasion machine”, consists of a circular cast iron grinding lap 600 mm dia. which rotates in a horizontal plane at a speed of 28/30 ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Aggregate Testing
The AAV Abrasion Machine provides a measure of the resistanceof aggregate to surface wear by abrasion, it consists of a flat circular cast iron grinding lap 600 mm dia which rotates in a horizontal plane at a speed of 28/30 r.p.m.<br>
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Laboratory Testing -
Aggregate Testing
This machine has been developed for determining the resistance to abrasion/wear of natural stones and concrete products. Easy to use, electronic control of the disc speed with auto shut-off of the machine at the selected number of revolutions. Complete with ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Aggregate Testing
Abrasion Testing Machine is designed to determine the resistance to abrasion and wear of natural stones and concrete products. The abrasion wheel is 70 mm thick and rotates with speed of 75 r.p.m. The machine is equipped with digital counter which stops the ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Aggregate Testing
The Accelerated Polishing Machine is used to measure the resistance of road stone to the polishing action of vehicle tires on a road surface.
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Laboratory Testing -
Aggregate Testing
The Polished Stone Value (PSV) of a material used as road surfacing is a measure of how rapidly it becomes polished under the action of vehicle tires. This machine is used to produce accelerate polishing, conforming to Standards, of stone chippings set onto ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Aggregate Testing
This test determines the rate and magnitude of consolidation of a soil specimen restrained laterally and subjected to a number of successive increments of vertical loads. In this automatic model, the incremental loading, in the load (stress) or swelling (strain) ...
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Laboratory Testing -
Soil Testing